What Does EM Scupt Neo Mean?
What Does EM Scupt Neo Mean?
Blog Article
EMSCULPT Neo is an advocate treatment designed to support individuals attain a sculpted body through liberal electromagnetic technology. It is an upgraded explanation of customary body sculpting treatments, offering both fat point and EM Scupt Neo Columbia IL increase in one session.
How Does It Differ From usual EMSCULPT?
EMSCULPT Neo incorporates radiofrequency technology, making it more working than the indigenous EMSCULPT. even if the older bill primarily focused upon muscle building, the Neo tally targets both fat cells and muscle fibers, providing combination body contouring.
Treatment Areas and traditional Results
Commonly treated areas include:
Abdomen: For a tighter and more toned core.
Buttocks: For a lifted and firmer appearance.
Thighs: To add together muscle declare and abbreviate fat.
Arms: To sculpt the biceps and triceps.
Patients typically declaration improvements within a few weeks, EMSCULPT Neo Columbia IL once optimal results visible after a few months.
Yes, EMSCULPT Neo is an FDA-approved treatment gone minimal risks. Patients may experience mild soreness same to post-workout discomfort, but there are no significant side effects or recovery mature required.